Meet the Makers
“it isn’t enough just looking for the quality in the products we buy. We must ensure there is quality in the lives of the people that make them.”
Orsola De Castro
Fashion revolution marks the anniversary of the Rana plaza factory collapse, a structural failure that occurred on the 24th of April 2013, which killed 1,138 people. The collapse occurred after unsafe working conditions were ignored and workers in the clothing factories were sent to work the next day. It should never be a question that if you go to work you might not return home. It is devastating to see even post the collapse that there are still many workers working in unsafe conditions. The fashion industry has a lot to answer for and carries a lot of slack that we need to collectively pick up.
Fashion revolution encourages people & brands to come together and campaign for systemic change in order to end exploitation within the fashion industry and create transparency about supply chain processes, fair wages, disclosing supplier and manufacturer lists and knowing who makes our products.
At PALM knowing who makes our beautiful swimwear and their stories is important to us and making that known to our customers is a priority. There are many hands behind PALM and we wouldn’t be PALM without them, our swim would not exist if it wasn’t for the dedication of these hands. We take responsibility for the fair wages of the people that work for PALM as well as the conditions they work in.
Whist we all figure out these uncertain times and try to adjust to a new normal we care more than ever for the health and wellbeing of the people that work for us. The fashion industry is facing some of its hardest times yet but we are committed to remaining a sustainable and ethical brand whilst exercising our social and environmental responsibilities. We need to remember that the workers behind our swimwear are facing a pandemic and their lives matter just as much as ours do.
At PALM we want to be as transparent about our supply chain as possible so we are asking our customers to ask us #whomadeourclothes and #whatsinmyclothes. We are dedicated to informing our customers on our own social and sustainable responsibilities as we believe they should be aware of every step, in order to campaign to end exploitation within the fashion industry.
You may ask, How does PALM Operate with reference to the Fashion Revolution Guidelines?
PALM is a small Australian owned Business. We operate with a very small team in the heart of Melbourne with regular connection to our manufacturer in Bali. We adhere to the highest standards of quality and support ethical and sustainable manufacturing practices.
Bali is home to our very own PALM Factory, here we have a team of employees who create the beautiful swimwear for you. Our Factory is very spacious, and each employee is given their own work station. They have fair working conditions, wage and hours. 8-5 are our operating hours with an hour break, and public holiday are always empty in the factory. We visit our hub once every month, but free to text every day, (it saddens us that we cannot visit due to the current pandemic, but will be on the first flight back out to Bali!) check in on staff, the work space and to build a better connection with our beloved dream team.
Here at PALM the design and production of our garments is of the utmost importance. We work daily and directly with our skilled team of artisans working in-house from our studio space in Bali, Indonesia. Our collections are all produced here, where we proudly adhere to fair living wages, realistic deadlines and sustainable manufacturing practices. We take a lot of pride in the relationships we have developed with our makers over the last few years.
Meet the makers…
Our focus is not only on humanity but also the environment too.
We are a ‘made to order’ company which means we only begin to create swimwear once the order is placed. This eliminates deadstock and an immense amount of waste seasonally.
We have and always will remain a repurposed brand. Our swim is made using recycled nylon, created by old fishing nets and plastic waste. We remove this from the ocean floor to rejuvenate our underwater friends. Not to mention the process of constructing this material uses much less energy, water and leaves behind a lower carbon footprint. Our swim is designed to be worn and loved endlessly, therefore, we have a lifetime guarantee as our classic style are designed to remain in our closets for years and years.
Our materials are sourced from respectable companies in Italy and small percentage from small local Indonesian and Chinese boutiques.
We encourage you. To take a slower approach to fashion. Steer away from the trend of throw away consumption and make more curated and considered choices.
To donate to Fashion Revolution and be apart of change click here
The Palm Team